Thursday, April 3, 2008

and so it goes..

Not much new here. Pullout has been practicing/writing a lot and getting ready to record at Pus Cavern in Sacramento, most likely early June. I really like Joe at Pus Cavern, he is a great guy to work with and I look forward to collaborating with him again.

Pullout played in Oakland, Sacramento and Berkeley last weekend with Media Blitz from Orange County. There weren't a lot of people at the shows but it was a good warm up for us to get back into the swing of things. Sunday at Gilman probably had the least amount of people I have ever seen there. Last time I played Gilman St. there was almost 600 people and this time there was maybe 20...Maaaaaaybe. All my friends in bands know that's just how it goes sometimes. Oh well, it was still fun and I think we played our best that night. The good side of no one being there was the fact that the Whiskey Rebels practiced playing a bunch of their new songs live, and may I say...They shred..HARD.

Other than that I have been spending most of my time in line at the DMV, waiting for the bus and cursing the SF Giants. Off to another great season with two loses to the Dodgers...fuck. I saw unleaded gas for $3.97 in San Francisco today. Not a good sign for all my friends in touring bands this summer, good luck with that everyone. As if we weren't broke enough already. I suppose I really shouldn't complain though. At least we don't have a Tyrannical Religious Nut trying to steal our Oil, all the while cars are exploding on every street corner and bullets are consistently flying through the air. Support Arco, I read that they don't use Oil from the Middle East and their gas is always cheaper...strange right????

Does anyone read this? Do me a favor and drop a comment or something so I know I'm not ranting to myself.


1 comment:

Free Lance said...

No one comments on my blogspot either! boo.