Monday, October 20, 2008

I totally suck at remembering to update this thing. I'm fairly sure no one reads this anyway. No big deal, I write on this blog for myself more than anyone. If anyone does read it though, here is a boring update:

First of all, for reasons I can't really explain, I have been a total Grump lately. For any of you that have felt the wrath of my new found Grumpiness, I apologize sincerely. I am working on turning that "Frown upside down".

I have been pretty busy with new Pullout duties. I have taken the reigns on doing merch, promo and finishing up the album art work. I've never been in charge of something like this, so its fun..for now. I am sure I will be running around last minute to get everything together before we fly to Europe because that's when I work the best it seems. We also finally got two new (solid) members to play for us. One of which is one of my best friends in the entire world, Sr. Ultimate Justin Peach.

"Eagles & Vultures" is mastered and has artwork now. GMM Records is going to put it out Stateside and Razorblade Music is going to be releasing it Euroside. Our European Tour is being booked as I type. I think about half of it is confirmed. I will post dates when I get the final itinerary. Needless to say, we are all stoked to be touring with the new Band. It has been way too long since I've been on the road and I feel like I might lose it at any minute at work. Something about stepping over human fecal matter and used syringes at 6:30am while walking to work after taking a 30 minute bus ride just loses its appeal after a while.

We played our first shows with the new guys this weekend, or as I like to call it: Our weekend "ghetto-way". Yea, we played in some dodgy neighborhoods. Regardless, they both did an awesome job, but no surprise there..they are both rippers. One of the highlights of the weekend was when we found a Canary Yellow Boat around the corner from Burnt Ramen. We didn't have our trailer with us, and the boat hitch was unlocked. The brilliant idea of stealing the boat came into my head, so I went forth and announced it to the van that we should steal the boat and sell it and we could buy something awesome with it. I had more votes for yes than for no. Luckily, our new guitar player Zac is straight edge. So we left the final decision to him...and we left with no boat. When in doubt, always ask the sober driver for the final opinion. Especially in a neighborhood where you could easily get shot.

Another thing I have done recently that I have never done before is watch every single Presidential Debate. This is the first election where I am old enough to understand everything that's going on. You don't need me to tell you that this is an important election. Sarah Palin scares the holy shit out of me. The fact that some people actually think she is capable of being a Vice President makes me embarrassed to be an American. I made a promise to myself that if she somehow ever becomes President I will move to Australia. Canada is too cold.

I've been getting Tattooed a lot. Im sure my mom hates it, but its something I enjoy doing. I watched a show on TV about Tattoos a while ago. Something about the Physiology of why people get tattooed. This therapist said people are usually trying to compensate for something in there unconscious. It was very interesting, I don't know if I agree with him. Maybe I get tattooed because I think it will make me a better musician?? Well if that's the case and I don't become a better musician, im gonna be pissed when I am 40 and cant get a job.

That's all, this is some shit if been into lately:

H20 - Nothing to Prove SOOOOOO Good
Against Me!: - Everything by them rules, I can't get enough of them. I saw them play the other night and they were amazing.
Tom Gabel - Solo EP:. Singer of Against Me! Some songs are different, but they are starting to grow on me.
Dead Hearts - A Death in the Family: Derek from Dead Hearts is a radical dude. He sent me this EP for free along with some other DH Shwaag. Too bad they broke up, I would have really like to see another Full Length from them
Verse - Aggression: I was never really into this band before this record came out. It is so powerful and intelligent. In my opinion, hands down best hardcore album of 2008.
The Loved Ones - Keep Your Heart: Kind of poppy, really catchy..good shit
Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning: Out of no where I started liking this band..a lot. Good songs, I need to get more of their stuff.
Build Us Airplanes - The Good Book: Matt from MS's new band. Really good indie rock band. Insanely good live, especially for a 3 piece.
NOFX - They've Actually Gotten Worst Live: Recorded in SF, shit is funny
Immortal Technique - The 3rd World: This album has a different sound than his first two records. It took me a couple listens to get into it but realized I was glad he didn't write the same record. It makes me respect him even more as an Artist. Definitely worth a listen.
Sons Of Anarchy: This show rules. Follows a Northern California based Motorcycle club (obviously takes after the Hell's Angels). I've heard it compared as "The West Coast version of the Sopranos". I don't know if I would go as far to say it is as good as the Sopranos, but its a great show. I saw one episode and then bought all the episodes on I Tunes immediately.

Thanks for reading,

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